Manage Proxmox VMs with Terraform

I’m continuing my journey toward a fully immutable home lab. I’ve lived with the changes that I have been experimenting around with for about a year now and so far its been great. Definitely a couple of hiccups along the way but way less time troubleshooting specific issues that occasionally crop up from time to time and more time enjoying the joys of automation at home.
This post will go through what Terraform is and using Terraform to manage Proxmox VMs automatically.
Create VM Templates within Proxmox with Packer

The last few months I’ve made it a goal to remove manual steps in my home lab’s setup and really embrace the idea of immutable infrastructure. No more servers laying around which are constantly logged into for making major changes. If something isn’t working then delete the whole server immediately and reprovision it with minimal steps. I’m writing all of this down as sort of a tutorial, not to follow from end to end, but to gain inspiration for what is truly possible in a home lab environment with some off the shelf tools.